
PhD Students

Yonatan (Jonny) Wagner

Gili Bielous [DBLP]

Roy Fairstein, BGU (joint with Ya’akov Gal)

MSc Students

Aviad Yahalom


Tsviel Ben-Shabat, MSc 2022 [linkedin]

Inbal Rozencweig, MSc 2022

Gal Cohensius, PhD 2021 [linkedin]

Alina Filimonov, MSc 2021 [linkedin]

Previous postdocs

(postdocs are usually hosted by the game theory group at the Technion, not a specific faculty member. These are the postdocs with which I had worked)

Hodaya LampertĀ  [website]

Argy Deligkas [website]

Urban Larsson [website]

Ganesh Ghalme [website]