
reshef meir
Inside a mosque tower in Uzbekistan

I am senior lecturer (“Assistant Prof.”) at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management.

Prior to that, I completed my PhD in  Computer Science at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Then I spent two years as a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) at Harvard University with Prof. David Parkes.

My main research lies in the intersection of computation and economics, sometimes dubbed computational game theory. In particular, I study strategic behavior and design mechanisms that promote cooperation, stability, and social welfare among rational or bounded-rational agents.

My research often intersects with other fields, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Social Networks, and Cognitive Psychology, and I am particularly interested in the interconnections between them.

I am co-chair of the 8th Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC’21) that will be held as a hybrid event at the Technion, June 7-11. See details here.

Married to Adi, and a proud father to Yaara and Arad. In my spare time, I also like to cook, bike, and travel the world.

Contact Information 

Reshef Meir
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
e-mail: reshefm [at] ie [dot] technion [dot] ac [dot] il