Recent and on-going projects:
- A Study of Human Behavior in Voting Systems, Maor Tal, Reshef Meir, and Kobi Gal. [PDF]
- Strategic Voting Behavior in Doodle Polls, James Zou, Reshef Meir, and David Parkes. Honorable mention award in CSCW’15 [PDF]
- Plurality Voting under Uncertainty, Reshef Meir. [article]
- Playing the Wrong Game: Smoothness Bounds for Congestion Games with Behavioral Biases. Reshef Meir and David Parkes. [article]
Earlier representative papers:
- General-sum Bidding Games. Gil Kalai, Reshef Meir and Moshe Tennenholtz. ACM-EC’14. [article]
- On the Value of Using Group Discounts under Price Competition, Reshef Meir, Tyler Lu, Moshe Tennenholtz and Craig Boutilier. Artificial Intelligence, 2014, Volume 216, pp. 163-178. (Supersedes the AAAI’13 paper) [PDF]
- Bounding the Cost of Stability in Games over Interaction Networks, Reshef Meir, Yair Zick, Edith Elkind and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. AAAI ‘13 [PDF] [PPT]
- Mechanism Design on Discrete Lines and Cycles, Elad Dokow, Michal Feldman, Reshef Meir and Ilan Nehama. ACM-EC’12 [PDF] [PPT]
- Algorithms for Strategyproof Classification, Reshef Meir, Ariel D. Procaccia and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Artificial Intelligence, Volume 186, pp. 123-156. [PDF]